China cone rolling machine

  China cone rolling machine adopt advanced hydraulic transmission technology,which can complete high-precision machining at lower pressures,thereby improving production efficiency and reducing energy consumption.Modern China cone rolling machine are usually equipped with automatic control systems,which can achieve functions such as automatic loading and unloading,automatic detection and alarm,greatly improving the automation level of production lines.

  The body of the China cone rolling machine is made of high-strength cast iron welded together,which is sturdy and earthquake resistant.The circuit breaker mechanism is made of high hardness materials,wear-resistant and impact resistant,making it easy to maintain and replace.Due to the crowding of the feed,the crushed material is subjected to compression,shear,and strong pulsating impact in the crushing chamber.The particles in the material layer interact with each other,causing forced self crushing between particles.This design effectively reduces the consumption of grinding materials,with a unit crushing power consumption only about half of that of ordinary crushing equipment.

China cone rolling machine

  In short,China cone rolling machines play an important role in multiple industrial fields due to their high efficiency,energy saving,high degree of automation,advanced structure,durability,good"material layer selective crushing"effect,high reliability,easy maintenance and operation,and strong applicability. 
 Address:Room 1202, Detaitang Building, No. 118 Huaguang Road, Zhangdian District, Zibo, Shandong
 Wechat: +8615965331535